
How do I get started.
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Autor:  Alex [ Mo Okt 31, 2005 07:56 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  How do I get started.

I am very new to all of this and I was just wondering on what could I download (for free) to get started on designing games, or somthing like those demos I played on:

http://www.physicsengine.com/downloads.html# those were one of the coolest downloads I ever got.

Thanks to all those that bother helping a beginer.

Autor:  i0n0s [ Mo Okt 31, 2005 12:37 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

If you're a complete beginner in writing games, start writing little OpenGL-demos.
Tutorials can be found [url=nehe.gamedev.net]here (in englisch)[/url] or here (in german).

After you know the basic of OpenGL start making a little game. For example Tetris.
This will show you how you have to solve the problems you found in games (feel free to present your game in our Projekte-section).

If you have done this, you may start to add newton (or any other physicengine) to your game.
You'll lose the gameplay, but you gain knowledge about the engine itself.

Finally you can start programming your favorite game including physics and spectacular graphic :wink:

So, back to your question... :mrgreen:
DGL has an OpenGL-SDK, which should include everything you need to start programming.
If you're missing something, use boardsearch and reask again.

Autor:  Flash [ Mo Okt 31, 2005 15:25 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

If you need some OpenGL Links our wiki can help you, too:


With some tutorials (e.g. those from NEHE which many people name as the 'best GL tuts') and our GL-Template you can start realy quick. But it's really necessary to code some little 'demo'-apps for some simple tasks like
-moving objects around
-load and manipulate textures
-text output with OpenGL (really tricky ;) )

When you got these things working, may you are interested in coding a little game like I0n0s wrote. After that (in probably 8-9 months) you should try to recode a gametutorial. When you can read german, we have the "Bomberman Tutorials" here. But maybe there are other gametuts in the net.

Autor:  Frase [ Mo Okt 31, 2005 15:31 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

If you keep on with OpenGL you will reach the 'I write my doom3-Engine...'-Point. The waste majority just forgets '... in the next 2 years' ;)

Autor:  Billy [ Fr Mai 05, 2006 06:04 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Where Can I Get It

Text entfernt. Anscheinend Aufforderung zu illegalen Handlungen. (N.M.)

Autor:  SchodMC [ Fr Mai 05, 2006 14:02 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

If you mean the free version of the IDE: Sorry, I think I can't help. As I know, the free personal version is no more longer available for download.
If you don't mean the free version: you WON'T get a link or a hint for an illegal copy of Delphi!!! So don't ask again. If you do so, you will be banned from the forum!!!

For now I just think, you're looking for a free legal Delphi-like development environment. So just take a try on FreePascal and Lazarus. This might help you.

Autor:  Phobeus [ Fr Mai 05, 2006 15:36 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

In fact there are legal personal edition still avaible. It might especially be helpfull, if you try to find a magazin releasing it on their cds. I currently only know about the german version of the personal edition from: http://www.dsdt.info/delphi2005download.php However, it seems that Borland is also offering a version to download: http://www.borland.com/downloads/download_delphi.html

Autor:  luketheduke [ Sa Mai 06, 2006 13:56 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

There is still a free Delphi 7 Personal on borland.pl (if I'm up to date). there is consent that this version is not "meant" to be downloaded and used anymore, however it's still there and afaik can be used without problems.

I won't tell you the exact search string, but google can help you...

(In case Billy said just the same thing, feel free to delete this, too :lol: )

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