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Autor:  Stucuk [ Di Mär 08, 2005 15:54 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  DND


DND is a Basic Newton Engine, it mixes some of Sascha Willems's Newton demo's together with a BSP world and entitys to form a basic engine.



- Newton_Object
Basic Object that is made from a "model" of the BSP (Entitys can have a model, it can be any shape or size)
- Func_Water
A Water entity, when Newton_Objects go into the water they float with boyancy


- Basic Player and Vehicle


- Player's gravity doesn't work when he moves, player also can't jump when moving.
- Vehicle's acceleration isn't right

DND Engine- Delphi Newton Demo Engine

DND Contains alot of code from Sascha Willems's Newton demos (Boyancy, Vehicle, Etc)

- http://www.delphigl.de

Q3BSP base by Jan Horn

Main program By Stucuk


Short description :
This demo shows how to implement things like boxes, cylenders into a
world(BSP word, no preset values) and allow them to react with the
environment (Water).
Keys :

W - Forward
S - Backward
A - Strafe Left
D - Strafe Right
Z - Jump
X - Crouch

Arrow Keys - Direction
Enter - Flip
Space - Brake

Options menu allows you to change between player and vehicle.

- Exe Or Here

Source attached to post

Source.zip [233.6 KiB]
311-mal heruntergeladen
DND_Preview.jpg [116.32 KiB]
158-mal heruntergeladen

Autor:  rswm [ Di Mär 08, 2005 19:44 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

links are broken ...

Autor:  Stucuk [ Mi Mär 09, 2005 08:12 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

First EXE link may not be active(Subdomain was just created yesterday) but the second one should.


Autor:  Stucuk [ Do Mär 10, 2005 01:45 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 


Revisions By Stucuk

- Added: Ability to load BSP's using an opendialog
- Added: Playground2.bsp and Football.bsp
- Added: Newton_Football and Func_Goal

Basic football ability has been added to the demo, you can score in team 1 or team2's goal. Yes its an oddshaped football... evil gtkRadient (Q3\RTCW\ETC Map Editor)

Note: program defaultly loads Playground.bsp


Source Attached

DND_Source_1.2.zip [244.74 KiB]
321-mal heruntergeladen
DND_Preview1.2.jpg [128.55 KiB]
105-mal heruntergeladen

Autor:  rswm [ Do Mär 10, 2005 09:22 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

i have to say wow ... keep on doing it !

Autor:  Stucuk [ Do Mär 10, 2005 13:47 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 


Implemented Basic 9 Pin bowling, but i have a problem with detecting when the pins have fallen over, im currently using the following:

  2. // Note: isn't perfect, would consider the object has fallen if its just been rotated a bit
  3. Function TQuake3BSP.HasFallenOver(Matrix : TGLMatrixf4) : Boolean;
  4. var
  5. x,y : integer;
  6. begin
  8. Result := False;
  10. If (Matrix[0,0] <> 1) or (Matrix[1,1] <> 1) or (Matrix[2,2] <> 1) or (Matrix[3,3] <> 1) then
  11. Result := True;
  13. for x := 0 to 2 do
  14. for y := 0 to 3 do
  15. If x <> y then
  16. If (Matrix[x,y] <> 0) then
  17. Result := True;
  19. end;

The problem being that the rotation around the Y axis (Up/Down) should not be considered as the pin having fallen over.... but it does..

2nd Problem im having is finding textures(Free ones). Grass seems to be a hard texture to find on the net (Game Grass, Actual Photos of grass is easy... but would look stupid). Currently using some grass from RTCW, but i don't want to distribute textures from Games.

DND_Preview1.3.jpg [117.66 KiB]
90-mal heruntergeladen

Autor:  Flash [ Do Mär 10, 2005 14:01 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

Don't detect if the pins have fallen. Detect if the pins are not standing straight up. This should be much easier. 8)

Autor:  Stucuk [ Do Mär 10, 2005 14:20 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

Thats the problem, It counts rotation around the Y axis as if the pin has fallen / Isn't standing straight.... and i don't know how to make it so it works right.

It should only count rotation on the X and Z axis's, which are the 2 axis's that if rotation has happened then the pin won't be able to balance and thus it will fall.

Is there an equation to work out the X,Y,Z Angles in the Matrix?

Autor:  rswm_as_guest [ Do Mär 10, 2005 15:26 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

i managed this problem in an testbowling-app

when i'm at home i will post ist here !!!!

---------> RSWM <----------

Autor:  Stucuk [ Sa Mär 12, 2005 15:38 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

Revisions By Stucuk

- Added: pinbowling.bsp
- Added: Newton_Pin, Newton_BowlingBall and Bowling_Nogo
- Added: DNDMesh Support
- Added: football_outofbounds (When ball goes in this area a "throw in" is simulated)
- Added: football_outofbounds_corner (when ball goes into the area a Kick in is simulated)
- Added: football_corner, football_corner_target
- Added: Shader (Q3 Texture Shader) Support (Tho only skybox detection implemented)
- Changed: Newton_Football, Newton_Pin and Newton_BowlingBall to use DNDMesh Models (insted of parts of the level)
- Updated: Football.bsp, new textures and expanded level

Main new features is the Bowling "mode" and the football throw in and kickin's. (Try moving the ball out of the grass area) Since it now uses models the football reacts more like a ball (much smoother sphere)

Note: Expanding the rendering to make the program use Texture Shaders(when applicable) for faces isn't hard (ask if ud like source on it)
Note2: With the use of models for the bowling pins the logic for detecting when there "fallen" seems to be much worse than b4

Exe Download | Source Attached

To see more pics go Here

DND_Preview1.3_3.jpg [80 KiB]
56-mal heruntergeladen
DND_Source_1.3.zip [165.25 KiB]
304-mal heruntergeladen

Autor:  Stucuk [ Fr Apr 01, 2005 16:12 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

Would rotating door code be any use to anyone? Opens oposite direction to the camera, etc.

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