- Using new stable fpc 2.0.1.
- Lazarus still works with 2.0.0.
- added Install Packages dialog - a dialog to easily
- (un)install several packages at once
- unified translation encodings: all utf8.
- improved clipboard for win32
- implemented SetAsText
- implemented copy/paste of non-text formats.
- extended IDE shortcuts to support two key sequences
- new rpm: fpc_crosswin32
- An rpm for linux to cross compile to windows
- added a basic 'make install' action, it simply copies
- to /usr/share/lazarus/ and sets a link in /usr/bin
- implemented automatic removing dangling events of designed forms
- added confirm dialog for building the IDE via the menu from Salvatore
- You can disable the confirmation in the configure dialog
- added Michael VCs packages to create project templates
- and customforms for the IDE:
- components/projecttemplates/projtemplates.lpk
- new published properties
- TPanel.Font, TSpeedButton.Font, TButton.Color
- added .lpi project files for all examples
- added default and cancel button to calendar dialog
- dump stack trace in case of exception when placing
- a component on a form.
- implemented creating Makefile for packages
- added DumpStack procedure: it writes a back trace to the
- console / debugtxt
- automatic cleaning/creating .lrs files
- renamed TSpinEdit to TFloatSpinEdit and added new TSpinEdit
- with integers.
- renamed TCalculatorPanel.TextChanged to TextChange
- Start of the LCL carbon interface - native MacOSX
- TEdit for carbon intf from Andrew
- added .p as pascal extension
- 64 bit fixes from Florian Klaempfl
- converted localize.sh to localize.bat for win32 from Razvan
- the rpms can now build without being root
- implement autosizing for win32 checkbox and radiobutton
- implemented BorderSpacing.InnerBorder
- This value is added to the TControl.GetPreferredSize.
- Used for example by TButton.AutoSize.
- IDEIntf - IDE interface package:
- added interface to the Source Editor
- added interface to the IDE menus
- added interface for regular expressions
- added IDE command scopes
- added idewindowintf.pas - interface for storing IDE dialogs sizes
- added TIDEDialogLayoutStorage component for simpler IDE dialogs
- added new session property storage editor from Michael VC
- example package registering an IDE menu item to show all
- IDE menus in a treeview from Michael VC
- examples/exploremenu/exploreidemenu.lpk
- added GetIDEConfigStorage for custom config files
- added TTreeView items editor from Lagunov Aleksey
- added TControl.DisableAutoSizing/EnableAutoSizing
- implemented TClipBoard.BeginUpdate/EndUpdate
- implemented TCustomCheckListBox.Count
- implemented TCustomEdit.Clear
- implemented adding multiple files in image list editor from Martin Smat
- package LCL now defines makro LCL<widgetset>,
- e.g. LCLgtk, LCLwin32, LCLcarbon
- added TMaskEdit.EditMask/Mask property editor from Lagunov Aleksey
- implemented TApplication.OnActivate/OnDeactivate
- implemented TComboBox.OnSelect from Andrew
- implemented goto next/previous bookmark
- grids: implemented dgColumnMove
- identifier completion now shows enums
- added TComboBox.ReadOnly - only partially working under gtk1
- event names for root methods now uses Form or DataModule
- as prefix instead of the root classname
- implemented conflict check for key mapping
- added View Source (.lfm) menu item to designer popup menu
- automatic identifier completion does not longer jump to errors
- TApplication now sets FindGlobalComponent always
- added TPortableAnyMapGraphic from Colin Western
- added IDE option to move a control one forward/back
- added new page to add to package dialog: New file
- added TCheckGroup/TCheckListBox component editors from Salvatore Coppola
- implemented auto identifier completion after
- typing a point and waiting a short time
- added Console Testrunner project from Dean
- implemented TMouse.SetCursorPos from Andrew
- added writing stack trace of exception in Application.HandleException
- hid TStaticText - it is obsoleted by TLabel
- added TSynEdit.SelStart/SelEnd from L505
- implemented TCustomLabel.OptimalFill: boolean
- implemented context help system for compiler/make messages
- implemented SelectDirectory(Directory,Options,HelpCtx)
- implement TBitbtn.spacing for win32 (-1 means center text)
- added Cut/Copy/Paste to sourceeditor popupmenu from George Lober
- added TApplication.ShowMainForm from George Lober
- implemented check for missing installed packages
- before opening a designer form
- added script to create snapshots
- made DoEnumPrinters more robust from Ere Maijala
- moved code templates settings to a dialog of its own
- it needs more space for the coming makros
- TSplitter can now also work with Align=alNone and AnchorSide
- And many bugfixes and updates for the translations.