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Autor:  Igroman [ So Sep 19, 2010 20:28 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  INightEngine

A few people develop the game.
In the project I am responsible for technology, her and I want to represent you.:)
There are currently developing "wysiwyg" editors.
After which it will begin development of the game.
And so ...
IEditor - editor of locations, in this version pretty weak, but it allows you to play with him.
IMaterialEditor - material editor, he has yet to change the functionality.
There is also a very "INightEngine.exe" engine, which performs more and function of the builder resources(build and commit in svn) in the recompiled version with a different name. Builder is based entirely on scripts Lua, and uses only the functional engine.

Here I would like to publish the development stages and still improve my English. :)

Find or subscribe to the videos available at youtube.

Used by libraries, components and modules at the moment:
- newtondynamics.com
- dglOpenGL
- Alpha Controls
- Modified the XML-parser (the original author XProger)
- Lua
- OpenCL (not currently used, including the future)

Autor:  Igroman [ So Sep 19, 2010 20:32 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: INightEngine

Two recent videos:
1) A small test ieditor
2) Little progress in correcting Points light

Autor:  Igroman [ Mo Sep 20, 2010 16:17 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: INightEngine

Some screens taken in the progress of developing:
Screen engine without ambient lighting.

Screen shows part of the interface in the editor.

Material editor.

Autor:  Igroman [ Di Sep 21, 2010 18:19 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: INightEngine

Information about the game itself will publish parts.
If there is something it is not clear (or very gross errors), please let me know.

Autor:  Igroman [ Di Sep 21, 2010 18:19 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: INightEngine

The game is based on works by Ilya Masodova, elitist of the writer of the last century. The plot fell a phantasmagoric tale "The sweetness of your mouth tender." The concept of the second episode supplemented with elements of the story "The darkness of your eyes."
There are noticeable allusions to a mystical version of the mysterious events that took place in 1959 at the foot of the mountain Holat-Sjahyl ("mountain of dead"). That place would be later called the "pass Djatlova" ...

So what is the Children of Chill?

Single FPS (first person shooter), immerses players in an atmosphere of uninhabited northern forests and villages, where the constant need to fight for their survival in the first place - saving themselves from the cold. A mystical story about the abandoned camp and the extinct village of strange girls who kill at a distance and detectives arrived at the place to address these subhumans. Fight the rational with the irrational beyond good and evil, embodied in the ice and fire chilling suspense and the rapture of a fierce battle.

The atmosphere - Survival Horror. Shoot here need to survive. One main character cut off all avenues of retreat. The other - they never existed.

(We are big fans of the Penumbra series, Amnesia, and Call of Cthulhu:))

Autor:  Igroman [ Di Sep 21, 2010 18:38 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: INightEngine

Conceptually similar games, and that in general with links:

Silent Hill Series: Escape from an alien place, a dead girl, mysticism, and many other (now canonical) singularities;

Call of Chtulhu: good system of health and side effects, the only sensible Survival of first-person;

The Thing: fruity cocktail of survival in the north, elements of confrontation and transcendent monsters;

FEAR: and another dead girl (and a dead girl - this is a stereotype. Although Masodov wrote her girls before the Japanese - Ring and Silent Hill. We've tried to diversify it's a cliche original findings. In particular, the entire second episode of the game is being held for this undead, with its unique abilities and inhuman motives.)

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: looks like an open, accessible world rendomnymi scripts and role-play a little bias;

Half-Life 2 Series: The correct formulation of the scripted scenes and just invited guest;

Mor: Utopia: Drama productions actions, good job on the script;

Cryostasis: Cursed be he, since everything is done wrong, and generally worse;) Actually - technically advanced and reliable simulation of the effects of one of the elements (cold). We have three of them;

CS Source: Zombie mod, Left 4 Dead: game dynamics and the balance between "people" and "undead".

There are more games, but so far described only these.

Autor:  Igroman [ Mi Sep 22, 2010 08:01 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: INightEngine


Autor:  Igroman [ Fr Okt 08, 2010 18:58 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: INightEngine

My friend has recorded a track for the game.

Autor:  Igroman [ So Okt 10, 2010 19:06 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: INightEngine

The small scene for testing physics. Here

Autor:  Igroman [ Mo Nov 08, 2010 10:45 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: INightEngine


Updated all the tools, enabled bug tracking, added the dispatch report in the mail.
Changed log-files, they are now represented in the form of html, which made it possible to make color differentiation of different types of messages.:)

Exception handling using JCL, which is the only thing I allowed myself to include a big party libraries in the engine.:)
In the tools used by a supporter of modules, but they are not included in the main code engine.

Autor:  Igroman [ Do Nov 18, 2010 10:12 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: INightEngine

Added projection CubeMap textures from Omni light source.:)
CubeMap bind to post-process, ie obtain a combined technique of Forward and Deferred shading.:)
I thought at first of a Forward, but it is already too heavy turn out, so all these things go into deferred, there is certainly more mistakes inaccuracies, but I'm already happy





Soon I will make videos and show the dynamics of this feature, but until then I want to still hang on to this type of light source shadows.
And only then will educate artists that do not include all the checkboxes in effect immediately and do the optimization.:)

Autor:  Igroman [ Do Dez 16, 2010 10:03 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: INightEngine

First tests omni shadow: video.

CubeMap shadows require several passes through the geometry, which is not very good.Searching solutions to this problem found two ways to create these shadows:

  1. CubeMap
    1. Six passes to the geometry
    2. A one withdrawal of geometry, and processing it into a geometry shader
  2. Dual-paraboloid matrix
Are currently using 1.A method, but this is temporary and in the future will go to 1.B.
This way you can avoid unnecessary calls to the API and to shift it all to force GPU.

Can be 3-fold reduction passes, using method 2, but it has the disadvantage that the weak tessalyatsii geometry defects appear.
Overall, an interesting method, but for gaming facilities are not very fit because of its lack.

Example of perspective distortion through the parabolic matrix can be seen on this video.

Autor:  Igroman [ Sa Dez 18, 2010 11:28 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: INightEngine

Try soft shadows for omni, this time PCF.



Autor:  Igroman [ So Dez 19, 2010 23:31 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: INightEngine

The second test omni shadow and Cubemap projection.
PCF 3x3 for omni soft shadow.
CubeMap projection with depth map.


Autor:  Igroman [ Di Jan 04, 2011 22:53 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: INightEngine

It was so nice to win the nomination "Most Active".
Thank you very much for your attention.:)

Some time ago I was asked about the tessellation engine.
Serpent tempter still seduced me, and I tried to implement a tessellation based on geometry shaders, because iron and the money does not allow me to use OpenGL 4. :(

The result was a little test here.
Before and After.
Excellent model for the demonstration.:)

Polygon count does not account for tessellation.
Can be calculated, but this is just a test.

- I also added support for Collada in modo 501 (Collada 1.4.1).
- Now, in the absence of data TBN, tangent space is calculated in the engine, otherwise read the stored data.

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